My First Lug Event

Linux has such a large following that many cities have regular meetings between linux and open source enthusiasts called lug (Linux User Group) events, and Liverpool is no exception. On every 1st Wednesday of every calender month a bunch of Linux enthusiasts meet at Liverpool DOES, and have a general chat or even talks and presentations over Linux and open source related topics. On this last Wednesday I paid the Liverpool lug event a visit.
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How I Made This Site

I have always believed in minimalism and the KISS principle, so when I wanted to make my own site and blog, I needed something that followed these ideals. Hugo to the rescue! How does hugo work? Hugo is a static site generator written in Go, it is incredibly easy to set up and get going and you can write your content in plain old markdown. Hugo then takes you content/posts/blogs written in markdown and compiles them to html with a beautiful theme.
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